Showing posts with label #bookreview #christophergolden #thehouseoflastresort. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #bookreview #christophergolden #thehouseoflastresort. Show all posts

The House of Last Resort by Christopher Golden

Tommy and Kate Puglisi decided to start a new life in Becchina, a small town in Sicily. Moving there was a big step for them, and they saw it as an investment in their future together. It was also a chance to spend time with Tommy's grandparents.

However, their excitement quickly faded. The town experienced frequent tremors, and their new house, which used to be a church, was filled with strange noises. They had never been believers in the supernatural, but the eerie occurrences in their home began to unsettle them.

The story starts with a cliché opening, but I found myself drawn in by the history of the house, Tommy's father's connection to Becchina, and the growing sense of unease. The ending felt rushed and somewhat predictable, but overall, I found the story enjoyable to read.