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Showing posts with label #bookreview #whatawaytogo #bellamackie. Show all posts

What A Way To Go by Bella Mackie

Entertaining and interesting, I found this to be another enjoyable read from the author with great characters and a compelling plot. Anthony Wistern was the head of the most influential financial mega company. He was found dead, impaled on a pole in the lake at his evening party for his sixtieth birthday celebration. Despite there being several people who harbored a deep hatred for Anthony, including his family and business rivals, the police did not treat the death as suspicious. He is survived by his wife and four children, whose emotional state has been affected by the death; they are demanding, intimidating, and annoying. They have always been all about reputation and money.

In this interim stage leading to the next phase, Anthony must first learn how he died. His memory of the events leading up to his death has faded; instead, he looks up to see his family fighting and play-acting in grief. Stranded in a place of reflection and contemplation, he does not lose his sense of humor, though.

They might be in for a nasty surprise when the will is read. They find out that the man who was meant to showcase his status, success, and power had been a fraudster all along. The character development and the plot kept me invested in how the story turned out.