I Will Ruin You by Linwood Barclay

A former student of Lodge High School, Mark LeDrew had been killed by a bomb. He came to school with an explosion device which subsequently detonated and blew himself up. No one else was harmed. Earlier, the armed intruder had told Richard Boyle, an English teacher that someone had 'ruined' his life and motivated him to take revenge to restore a sense of justice in the world. 

While dealing with his trauma, someone accuses Richard of something he didn't do involving sexually abusing a student. The crime of blackmail had cost his life and reputation. In order to identifying and dealing with it, he discovered the connection to the prior cases when his blackmailer was found dead. What a chaos. Linwood Barclay is definitely my new fav author! A compelling thriller that covers controversial topics such as school-based violent incidents. I have to admit I underestimated the protagonist's naivety at the same time I really enjoyed the chemistry between the characters.

Jiran by Ilham Mahendra

Penduduk di sebuah perumahan mewah di Jakarta Selatan digemparkan dengan penemuan mayat seorang gadis bernama Annissa, 18 tahun yang sebelum ini dilaporkan hilang oleh keluarganya pada malam tahun baru. Annissa digambarkan sebagai seorang yang cantik, bijak, aktif bersukan dan popular di sekolah. Ramai yang suka untuk berkawan dengannya tak kurang juga yang iri.

Tak sia-sia aku pilih buku ni untuk dibaca secara random. Mendebarkan dengan ramai suspek. Pada aku ada vibes Pretty Little Liars di sini. Aku suka bagaimana penulis menulis perspektif yang berbeza pada setiap watak. Dan kematian Annissa walau pun sudah dijangka tapi entahlah, aku rasa dia patut lenyap. There, I said it. Walau pun bukan perfect crime tapi aku puas hati dengan 'pelaku' pembunuhan dibawa ke pengadilan umum.