Deep Water by Emma Bamford


This novel had so much potential, at least judging by the synopsis, a great setting, premise, and beautiful book cover, but unfortunately, it didn't work for me. Don't feel intimidated by my reviewπŸ˜…. It's just my two cents. 

Jake and Virginie are on a big sailing adventure in their Wayfinder. Their life savings were invested in her. Then, they come across an island, Amarante. Amarante was a prison in a penal colony. Westerners think Amarante like a paradise that will heal the wounds. They met other groups. They traded lives on land for dreams of adventure at sea. Their rules are simple, to show willingness to help others, to provide, to hunt, to fish together. 

However, the conflict arises when the boat has an engine problem.  They might lose everything, belongings, money, dreams, and their future together. The main protagonist being an unlikable character creates unnecessary tension. Am I the only one crying out for the reveal of the characters and Amarante's backstory? 

Thanks to @definitelybooks #pansing for the review copy. Opinions are my own πŸ’™ 

*Available at all major bookstores in Singapore and Malaysia and their online stores


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The Last Dance by Mark Billingham


Two bodies were discovered in adjacent rooms at the Sands Hotel. One of them was Adrian Cutler. He's from a well-established family that links to organised crime. Just on a big case on his first day back after his wife's death, Detective Sergeant Declan Miller who's a bit quirky, unorthodox, brilliant, inattentive, flippant, and sarcastic is a perfect main character who I love. Alexandra was murdered when she was investigating the Cutlers and the other gangland. The investigation was still ongoing. Whoever had been responsible for the killing had not only been careful but 'might' be connected to his wife's murder. 

5 ⭐️. I was so pleased to have read a good premise and great writing from the author. Definitely not the last. What I did not like about this book is I had to wait until next year for the next instalment. Urgh. I hate it. 

Thanks to @definitelybooks #pansing for the review copy. Opinions are my own πŸ’™ 

*Available at all major bookstores in Singapore and Malaysia and their online stores


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Wraith by Mark Wheaton


Cecily Underwood and her mother never stayed in one place for too long and avoided large crowds since they left France.
After her mother died under tragic circumstances, she
inherited a fortune from her great-grandmother who is dying to see her for the last time. Unfortunately, Marguerite LeClercq had been found dead an apparent suicide.

Though they were long estranged, Cecily believes the wraith has something to do with it. She knew the tragedies that had befallen her family had lived on in the form of a curse and carried it down through the centuries. 

About half the story, I felt a little disoriented, but it fits in Cecily's current state of mind. She hadn't known her family history and the curse capable of making everyone suffer. This is a story of unsettling revenge in a slow-burn horror that sends chills down your spine. I give 4 ⭐️

Thanks to @netgalley and the publisher for providing a free copy in exchange for an honest review!


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