Happiness Falls by Angie Kim

The story revolves around the disappearance of Adam Parson, a stay-at-home dad who went hiking with his son Eugene, who has autism and a rare genetic disorder. The plot thickens when Eugene returns alone, causing a minor accident and becoming the prime suspect in his father's disappearance. 

His family found out about Adam's obsession with the happiness concept and how he applies his principles of living to raise Eugene. It raises awareness about communicating with a nonspeaking child, racial superiority, and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. This is a slow-moving yet amusing read. I enjoyed the mystery through Mia's perspective. She's a messed up character, but understandable. The thing about some disappearances is that there's no closure until all that's left is a void. 4 ⭐️

The review copy was provided by @times.reads and @putrifariza, and the opinions shared are entirely my own. You can find the book at all major bookstores in Singapore and Malaysia, as well as their online stores.