Penulis : Tilly Bagshawe
Tahun terbit : 2012
Sinopsis :
When an elderly mult-milionaire is found brutally murdered in Hollywood, and his young wife raped and beaten, the police assume the motive is robbery. Unable to find the perpetrators, the case is soon closed.
A decade later, in different cities around the globe, three almost identical killings take place. In all cases the victim is an elderly male, wealthy, and newly married. Again his wife is found severely injured at the scene.
At first it is thought they might be copycat killings, but it soon becomes clear that this is one deadly female killer. Code named the Angel of Death by the police, is sehe avenging some long-forgotten misdeed, or does she have other motives?
Ulasan :
Aku sorang yang bagi 5 🌟 dalam goodreads. Haha. Nampak sangat ke? Entah kenapa aku minat sangat mungkin aku terbayangkan Criminal Mind + Law and Order.
Aku bagi 5 bintang bukan sebab cerita ni perfect sangat. Ada je kecacatan sana sini sikit. Tapi boleh dikatakan ia page-turner. Kenapa Tilly menggunakan Sidney Sheldon? Aku tak tahu. Adakah ini buku yang tak dapat disiapkan oleh Sheldon? Tapi pada aku, kalau dia imitating penulis asal dan tak hilangkan suspen pada aku ok saja.
Mana nak cari crime yang perfect sangatkan. Ada juga beberapa scene yang aku confuse sikit macam scene Matt di drug dan tinggal di rumah adik perempuannya. Dia boleh pulak seludup laptop Sophie? Begitu mudah pulak tanpa diketahui oleh Detektif Liu dan Sophie sendiri.
Overall buku Bagshawe boleh dibaca lagi.