Penulis : Kate Pullinger
Tahun terbit : 1990
Sinopsis :
By the end of the afternoon, Mary Rose has dug up enough garden to reveal the remains of a Roman bath lurking in her back yard. But, because of her precariousp position as squatter in her home, Mary covers up the remains of history in order to maintain her stability in the present.
In modern day London, Mary and her friends struggle to survive in a gigantic city where housing is impossible and traditional industry has declined almost to extinction. But as life around them dwindles, this add group manages to eke out a viable, albeit strange, existence isolated by race, class and politics.
They are all outsiders attempting to see what is changing beneath the terse exteriors of Britain - living in London where the past is always present an the future is uncertain.
Ulasan :
Aku tercari-cari juga di mana pengakhiran Mary's discovery. Tapi dia cuma timbuskan semula tanpa apa-apa yang perlu dibuat.
Selain dari itu, kisah ini berkisar tentang kawan-kawannya yang lain mengharungi sikap racist penduduk sekitar London.
Penceritaannya menarik. Tapi macam ada sesuatu yang tak kena. Ruth Randall kata breathless. Biar betul?
Aku beri 2🌟/ 5